
28-29 settembre: European Research and Innovation Days 2022

Il 28 e 29 settembre si terranno gli European Research and Innovation Days 2022.

L’evento, organizzato annualmente dalla Commission Europea, ha l’obiettivo di riunire ricercatori, imprenditori, politici e persone comuni per discutere e plasmare il futuro del mondo di R&I in Europa e oltre.

L’edizione 2022 si concentrerà sulla nuova Agenda europea per l’innovazione, l’Anno europeo della gioventù, la ricchezza della creatività culturale europea, le Missioni di Horizon Europe e molto altro. Inoltre, verrà lasciato spazio alle opportunità di networking e matchmaking tra i partecipanti.

Per partecipare all’evento è necessario registrarsi.

EU R&I DAY 2022: Arti e benessere – 29 settembre 2022, ore 10.00-10.45

Nell’ambito dell’evento Research & Innovation Days 2022, il 29 settembre, dalle 10.00 alle 10.45, si svolgerà la sessione “The power of the Arts for people’s well -being“. I relatori illustreranno come le arti possano avere un importante impatto a livello sociale ma, soprattutto, per il benessere delle persone, come dimostrano i progetti ARTIS, Art&Well-being and CultureForHealth.

I partecipanti all’evento avranno modo di esplorare le nuove opportunità del settore, di comprendere il contributo europea alla ricerca in questo settore e di condividere visioni ed esperienze.

Alcuni rappresentanti del partenariato DYDAS parteciperà all’evento per condividere risultati raggiunti e sfide future.

Source: EU Commission

September 28th-29th: European Research and Innovation Days 2022

The European Research and Innovation Days 2022 will be held on 28 and 29 September.

The event, organized annually by the European Commission, aims to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs, politicians and ordinary people to discuss and shape the future of the R&I world in Europe and beyond.

The 2022 edition will focus on the new European Agenda for Innovation, the European Year of Youth, the richness of European cultural creativity, the Missions of Horizon Europe and much more. In addition, space will be left for networking and matchmaking opportunities between participants.

To participate in the event you need to register.

EU R&I DAY 2022: Arts and wellness – 29 September 2022, 10.00-10.45 am

As part of the Research & Innovation Days 2022 event, the session “The power of the Arts for people’s well -being” will take place on 29 September, from 10.00 to 10.45. The speakers will illustrate how the arts can have an important impact on a social level but, above all, for the well-being of people, as demonstrated by the ARTIS, Art & Well-being and CultureForHealth projects.

Participants in the event will have the opportunity to explore new opportunities in the sector, to understand the European contribution to research in this sector and to share visions and experiences.

Some representatives of the DYDAS partnership will participate in the event to share achievements and future challenges.