
All brochures produced by DYDAS

DYDAS is a co-financing project under Connecting Europe Facility – CEF TEECOM, European Programme.

From 01/12/2019 to 31/01/2023, the partnership created 20 brochures dedicated to describing different aspects of the project to different targets and produced on the occasion of particular events.
We list them all below (arranged in chronological order from the last produced in 2023 to the first produced in 2019).

Some contain links and content to past events, but all the links that talk about the DYDAS platform refer to the operational platform and available to the main users, i.e. the following 4 different user communities:

  • Industry
  • Research
  • Public Sector
  • Citizens

Brochure n.21 is dedicated to inviting all interested users to use the DYDAS (Dynamic Data Analytics Services) digital platform.
Although the DYDAS project (co-financed by the European Connecting Europe Facility – CEF program) will end on 31 January 2023, the digital platform still remain active even after.

Downloadable from the button below in English and Italian versions.

Brochure n.20 dedicated to the ENERGY USE CASE under DYDAS, coordinated by LINKS FOUNDATION carried out in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino’s Department of Energy (DENERG).

The brochure explains in a succinct way the calculation based on algorithms that relate, among others, climatic parameters of weather forecasts, characteristics and location of renewable energy plants

(Downloadable from the button below in English version).

Brochure n.19 dedicated to the event organized on January 11th, 2023 in collaboration with the CTE – Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti of Rome, in order to promote and catalyze the interest in participation in the DYDAS Hackathon on urban mobility as well as in the SPOTTED Hackathon on urban greenery.

Two Hackathons in 1 promoted with the FIWARE Foundation and with deadline set for January 17, 2023; pitch January 24-25 and final celebration January 26, 2023.

Brochure n.18 is dedicated to explain the technical term “Embedding

It contains the link to the DYDAS digital platform and Hackathon expiring on January 17th, 2023.

Downloadable from the button below

Brochure n.17 is dedicated to describe a practical example under MOBILITY USE CASE and using DYDAS digital platform to elaborate large amounts of data on asphalt conditions and with the aim of contributing to solutions for greater road safety.

The theme of “Object detection” used under the use case of MOBILITY in DYDAS project.

It contains the link to the DYDAS digital platform where the projects dedicated to urban mobility and many other open and closed data are contained.

Downloadable from the button below

Brochure n.16 dedicated to the theme of “Object detection” used under the use case of MOBILITY in DYDAS project.

It contains the link to the DYDAS digital platform where the projects dedicated to urban mobility and many other open and closed data are contained.

Downloadable from the button below

Brochure n.15 dedicated to the DYDAS HACKATHON “Shed Light-on red traffic lights and urban greenery status.

This is a challenge based on the development of an AI algorithm or model capable of optimizing city traffic through the management of traffic lights.
The brochure contains the description of the Hackathon participation process

Downloadable from the button below

Brochure n.14 dedicated to students.

Downloadable from the button below, it contains the links to the DYDAS Hackathon (expiring on January 17th and awarding on January 26th 2023) and the link to the digital and collaborative platform on public and private Open Data DYDAS – DYNAMIC DATA ANALYTICS SERVICES” PLATFORM FOR HPC BIG DATA ANALYTICS OF EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOSPATIAL DATA.

Brochure n.13 dedicated to the concept of Privacy Deep-Learning

Downloadable from the button below, it contains inputs made by Giovanni Nardini, R&D Artificial Intelligence Lead at Key2.

Brochure n.12 dedicated to the characteristics of the DYDAS Collaborative Digital Platform – “DYnamicDataAnalytics Services”, platform for HPC, Big data analytics of Earth Observation and Geospatial data.

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.11 dedicated to the 4 webinars held by Lorenzo Di Giacomo, Big Data & Software Engineer at Key To Business.

Anyone who missed the 4 webinars, by clicking on the respective links to the four topics covered, will be able to review them to learn about the functions and see how the DYDAS Collaborative Digital Platform is structured – “DYnamicDataAnalytics Services” platform for HPC big data analytics of Earth Observation and Geospatial data.

  • The first webinar is dedicated to the theme “Create a dataset and upload the data, download it, view it.
  • The second is dedicated to the theme “Create a model that does basic operations, run it, view the results
  • The third is dedicated to the operational topic: Create a dashboard
  • The fourth is dedicated to functionality: publishing a project on the Marketplace

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.10 is dedicated to answering the question “How much do you know about high performance computing and its modernisation?

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.9 is dedicated to IT experts and students.
It initially poses and intends to respond with ideas on the DYDAS project, to the question “Are you a Big Data & AI Student or Expert?”

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.8 is dedicated to the concept “Traditional Computing vs Edge Computing”.

It contains basic information on the European project DYDAS (co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union programme) and the main link to the home page which also gives access to the DYDAS digital platform (DYNAMIC DATA ANALYTICS SERVICES” for HPC, Big Data, Analytics of Earth Observation and Geospatial Data).

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.7 is in Italian and is dedicated to the use of the DYDAS digital platform, on the occasion of the international Hackathon organized in collaboration with the National Association of the Automotive Industry – ANFIA.

It contains basic information on the European project DYDAS (co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union programme) and the main link to the home page which also gives access to the DYDAS digital platform.

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.6 was produced in conjunction with the webinar held on October 14, 2021 dedicated to presenting the collaborative platform DYDAS, on the occasion of the Sustainable Development Festival held in Italy in 2021.

An excerpt of the webinar is available on the YOUTUBE channel DYDAS.

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.5 is dedicated to give visibility to the DYDAS partnership and to present the DYDAS platform under development.

This Brochure was created on the occasion of the annual event dedicated to the Public Administration by ANCI Lazio “Training Camp in Ventotene”

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.4 is dedicated to describing the characteristics of the DYDAS digital and collaborative platform with the characteristics that distinguish its innovation in Europe.

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.3 is dedicated to briefly describe the DYDAS project which develops from 2019 to January 2023.

Downloadable from the button below.

Brochure n.2 was created in conjunction with the first hybrid meeting dedicated to presenting the ENERGY USE CASE, within the DYDAS project.

Downloadable from the button below and available in Italian and English.

Brochure n.1 is dedicated to briefly describe the European project DYDAS (co-financed by the European program Connecting Europe Facility – CEF TELECOM, of the European Union).

Downloadable from the button below and available in Italian and English.